Amicus Changes Business Focus

Amicus began its retained client investment portfolio advisory service in June 2008, initially under its former name of Structured Credit Research and Advisory. The business initially focused solely on legacy structured investments purchased by investors prior to the financial crisis, but progressively the scope was expanded to more general fixed interest advice.

Throughout its history, Amicus has advised 67 clients under a retained mandate and has helped a further 57 clients on a project basis. Amicus clients have spanned all states and territories of Australia (with a couple of offshore ones as well). Clients have been drawn from a wide range of sectors from local government and professional funds managers to charities, religious organisations, corporates, professional services firms (lawyers, accountants, consultants liquidators and administrators), financial planners and individual wholesale investors.

Amicus is currently in the process of changing its business focus and downsizing its operation. Amicus exited its retained client financial advisory business as of 30 June 2023. Melissa has joined Imperium Markets where she will continue in a client advisory role, helping investors with the management of their conservative fixed interest investment portfolios.

Moray will continue with all the remaining operations of Amicus and so will still be available to support clients already contracted regarding the LBA bankruptcy until its conclusion and on other mixed financial and legal issues going forward should any arise. Moray intends to continue operating the other Amicus businesses for the foreseeable future working more on a project basis in the area of expert witness work and consulting.

Amicus wishes to thank all its clients, both former and current, for the support they have given it over the last fifteen years and the enjoyment and job satisfaction they have provided to Moray, Melissa (and formerly Jason) in being able to provide quality financial advice that has hopefully helped investors towards better financial decisions and improved portfolio outcomes and investment returns.

Please feel free to contact Moray if you have any questions or simply want to chat 😊.

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